
When is kunde 2025 in india

When is kunde 2025 in india

On the 22nd and 15th of the month of Rajab, Kunde is observed every year. On this occasion, Fatiha (Ishale Sawab) is offered in the name of Hazrat Imam Jafar Sadiq. Let’s know when Kunde 2025 is in India.

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Some people celebrate Kunde by offering Fatiha (Ishale Sawab) on the 15th of Rajab, while others do so on the 22nd of Rajab. you can also offer Fatiha of Kunde on either of these two days. Let’s find out the English Dates for Kunde in the year 2025, along with the exact days and complete details about when Kunde 2025 in India.

When is Kunde 2025 in India?

In the year 2025, Inshaallah Kunde will be celebrated on 16 And 25 January 2025 In India. Because in 2025 the month of Rajab will be Sighted on 1st January Wednesday 2025. And the first day of Rajab will be on 2nd January. on Thursday, 16th January, it will be the 15th of Rajab. on this day Hazrat Imam Jafar Sadiq (R A) passed away. That is why many people observe kunde and offer niyaz (Special prayers, Ishale Sawab) on the 15th of Rajab.

And many people also offer kunde niyaz (Special prayer,ishale sawab) on the 22nd Rajab. If you wish to perform kunde niyaz on 22nd Rajab you can offer kunde niyaz on 25 January 2025. because in 2025 the 22nd Rajab will be on 25 January 2025 in India.

Why do we celebrate kunde in Islam?

Kunde is observed in memory of Hazrat Imam Jafar Sadiq. Every year, on the 15 or 22nd Of Rajab, many Muslim Families offer Fatiha (Ishale Sawab) in his memory to send Eaaal-e-sawab (reward for good deeds). On this occasion, dishes like kher (sweet rice pudding) and puri (fried bread) are prepared. These are then offered with Fatiha in the name of Imam Jafar Sadiq.

Is it necessary to perform Kunde Fatiha?

No, it is not necessary to perform kunde Fatiha because it is neither fard (obligatory), Sunnah (the practice of the prophet) nor wajib (mandatory), if you perform it as you wish, is a good deed, and you will earn a reward (sawab) However, if you do not perform it, there is no sin.

Is it necessary to make kheer and puri for Kunde Ki Niyaz?

For the occasion of kunde, dishes like kheer (sweet rice pudding) puri (fried bread), and khasta (crispy snacks ) are often cocked for niyaz of kunde. Many people wonder if it is necessary to prepare Kheer and Puri specifically for this event. To clarify, it is not mandatory to make kheer and puri for niyaz of kunde. you can offer Fatiha on any food item of your choice. it is not compulsory for kheer and puri to be a part of this ritual.

I hope you understand when is kunde 2025 in India if you have any questions about this you can ask by leaving a comment.

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